1 : a style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme spareness and simplicity
1: of, relating to, or done in the style of minimalism
The alarm startles you out of the refuge you escaped to the night before after another day of meaninglessness lulled you into a quiet slumber. The bed is warm and safe and embraces you like a mother. You gather yourself for another yesterday. The mirror only reflects a mere shadow of the idealism that had once gazed back. You do the routine: splash the water, drink the joe, turn on the TV for today’s indoctrination. You fight for a seat on the train or the bus or you try to make the light before the proverbial idiot beats you to it. You do the job, smile when they wave, laugh when they joke, eat when you’re told to, are thankful for the break, are thankful for the good review, are thankfully giving your creativity to another’s cause. Time to go home. You fight for a seat on the train or the bus or you try to make the light before the proverbial idiot beats you to it. You go to the gym. You change into the latest and greatest. Slip the headphones on. Listen to your favorite. You wait in line for your preferred machine. Finally it’s yours. Now you can relax on the machine that someone invented to make your workout pleasant and to make your workout enjoyable and to make your workout a whole lot easier while you watch TV for yet another hour of indoctrination. And tomorrow, And tomorrow, And tomorrow, And tomorrow, And ...........................
I say Rage. Rage against the necessities. Rage against the easy. Give yourself permission to use some of that creativity for yourself. Rage against the patronizing bastards who feel entitled to make something easier for the “poor little yous” with their condescending charm. Rage against pre-determined range of motion. Rage against technology in a physical space. Acquaint yourself with gravity, learn to love it, then learn to fight it. Get out of the mirror. Work by feel. Develop your body knowledge and utilize it. Use your instincts and rage against anything that tries to get in the way of them. Understand your true capacity and your true capability. Question fear based protocol. Eliminate “can’t” from your vocabulary. Work to your limit for yourself. Work so your self imposed limits broaden. If you are injured, seek ways to heal. Rage against this week’s flavor. Cut the excess. Grab a barbell. Pair it down. Pick up a kettlebell. Do more with less. Hit the floor. Search for the nucleus of movement. Explore. Cherish the minimal. Rage against the