Friday, December 18, 2009

49th madness


1 min. hold each of:
overhead press
bottom push up
top pull up
(5 rounds)


500 wall ball @ 20# ball

A poignant holiday quote for all:

“Grandfather of all Scouts…Teach me to be the eyes of my people. Teach me to move like the shadow. Allow me to become the winds, the rocks, the soils, and the life forces in all its forms. Allow me to suffer for my people and take away their pain.
Honor me by allowing me to die for my people. For I love my people beyond myself and I will sacrifice my all for my people, my earth, and for you. Test me beyond all hardship and pain. Create me as you would forge a tool, and if you find I am worthy, then bless me as your servant – your Scout.”

“Shadow Walker” 1807
Panther Ridge
Age 91

Have a great holiday. see you the next year.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

48th madness


"partner effort"
10 c&p @ 95#
10 spike swings (hold while waiting)
(max rounds in 15 mins)


135 back squat @ 135#
135 lunges
(for time)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

47th madness


push press 1rm


"stations of the mad"

100 feet of rope
push up
box jump
high pull
renegade row
lateral raise static hold in top position

(max rounds in 30 mins. Switch stations when person on rope completes 100 feet)

Good to see everyone back. A tough night for some A pleasure for others. Please post your shit.