As the players assembled they quickly focused on the business at hand. Yesterday’s madness proved that the “average gym goer” just may be seeking something more. We crossed lines. Fitness levels from beginner to advanced embarked on the same road to self discovery. Some finished, some didn’t. All tried. While watching the faces of anguish pulling or pushing rep after rep under tremendous stress, one could only stand in awe of the self sacrifice the participants freely gifted to the goal. Thanks to each one of you for putting your head down and doing with reckless abandon. At the risk of denying the winners their glory, it is out of respect that the person of note was one that didn’t finish first, but scratched and clawed her way to the goal. Olga, your resolve was humbling. Too the point,
everyone delivered and is worthy of celebration. Much was covered, but more was learned. Until the next time, reflect on what was accomplished. Know that most would look at that evolution and choose one of the three segments you all battled through. Hats off to you.
power snatch
MR in 10, 1 rep is 1 point
0-55, 1 point
75, 2 points
95, 3 points
115, 4 points
135, 5 points
10 hspu + 20 pullups +30 sumo deadlift high pull + 40 situps + 50 burpees
Let's see some photographic evidence cameraman!
Way to bring it guys!
I got the pictures up at the rock....enjoy them!!
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