Friday, August 7, 2009

33rd madness



100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
1 mile run

5x3 deadlift @ 80% 1rm

Everyone has an opinion, but few develop theirs through a scientific approach of hypothesis, research, testing, and conclusion. They go with the masses and I celebrate them; However, it is not what we do. Factually speaking, I would rather eat a plate full of broken glass and wash it down with a gallon of urine temperature salt water than go back to the mundane style of conservatism that proves to be a prison for the physical creativity of so many.

I heard one sheltered soul share this with a friend today,"Bro... its like... more isn't better ya know??? I train smarter not harder... ya know what I mean bro???" Share this with any athlete worth their salt and they'll laugh at you. At the risk of sounding like an elitist prick, I'll share this with you all:


I have no place for them in my world, and feel comforted at the thought of them never setting foot in it.


Unknown said...

sarah: 58 minutes 9 seconds.

slow poke...

Fathead said...

That might be the greatest post I have ever read on any blog.

"I would rather eat a plate full of broken glass and wash it down with a gallon of urine temperature salt water than go back to the mundane style of conservatism that proves to be a prison for the physical creativity of so many."

That says it all.

I feel redeemed of last week's weak performance after last night's fantastic evolution.

Pullups are generally hard for me to do 10 in a row, let alone a 100 and I felt I was definitely gonna lag behind the rest of the crew through these (and did) but I completed them with a combination of of kips, lat pulldowns and with a few jump pullups sprinkled in the mix.

Pushups is where I caught up and is a strong suit of mine. Had a great pace through them and was def in the zone.

Squats got better as I got closer to the finish line. I started doing SOFT KNEES as Justin suggested a few weeks back and it helped immensely.

1 mile at 6.0 speed was good pace for me after all that... couldve pushed it a bit more on this but wanted to save some for the deadlifts.

Time: 49:52


5 sets 3x 225lbs

I felt great last night and would suggest to anyone doing MM to come in 30 minutes prior to meltdown for warm up/mental prep time. It really REALLY helps. Physically it gets your blood pumping and muscles loose and mentally it gets you in that world Justin and Steve want you to inhabit... You are about to enter battle with yourself... be ONE.

Thanks again guys for an amazing evening. Can't wait til next week!

Fathead said...

I'm slowly losing feeling in my upper thigh and groin areas...
safe passageway up the stairs is suspect and I think the left side of my collar bone is broken.


Tequila anyone?

Unknown said...


kips are always grueling...i love finding new places on my delicate hands for sprouting beautiful callouses. ew, i hate pushups, but only because they hate me first. i found i had to take them five at a time, but really limit my recovery so i wouldn't fall too far behind. it was sort of disconcerting to only increase by 5 each set but my arms were dead. lastly, squats were my nemesis last madness, and i refused to give in to them again. my right quad cramped up somewhere around, i decided to go on without it. just after squat #300 i bent over to grab my water and figured i'd sprint to the was the last event in the first evolution! I turned and took that first step with what felt like the leg of a newborn baby fawn (redundant, i know, but i'm making a point!)..."fuck me!" ...easy to say now, i suppose, but i wish i would've sprinted the last 400m and risked losing my dinner!

deadlifts @ 240#

Unknown said...
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Tom said...

NO KNEE PAIN!!!! Zero. Zip. Zilch. None!

Good God it felt great to be back there last night. All day yesterday I was like a kid waiting for Christmas morning. A pain filled, sweat drenched, agonizing Christmas morning were the only gifts are pushups and air squats.

The pull-ups were horrible and I only made it to about 45 before I started to have to modify to jumping pull-ups.

Pushups used to be my strong suit. I could bang those things out for days. Not, however, after three months off. I did 25, then 15, then 10, then 5, 5,5,5,5 etc. At the 100 mark the reserve tank kicked in and I was back to doing them in sets of 10, though admittedly, with generous recovery time in between.

Squats. I was really scared of these last night because I knew by the time we got to them my endorphins would kill any pain that might be telling me to stop. I did them in groups of 25 with very careful attention to form. By 150 my legs were screaming at me to stop, So I said, “Fuck you legs, I’m in charge here.” At 200 I got to The Point. You all know it. You all love when you finally get there. The Point is when your brain clicks off, your body realizes that no matter how much it tickles your pain receptors it isn’t going to get you to stop so it just goes on auto-pilot. The agony melts away and you just keep going with your reps long after your brain would have said, “OK, this is where we take a rest.” I am beginning to think that reaching The Point is one of the main reasons I love Madness. It really is like a drug when it happens.

I ran a respectable interval pace starting at a walking rate of 3.8 for one minute then jogging at 5.0 for a minute, 6.0, 7.0, then back to walking a minute and repeat. I did this so that I could check in with my knee every so often to see how it was holding up.

Total Time: 49:45

I did not do the dead lifts because I didn’t want to push it.

I know I needed rest today after putting my knee through that last night, but I actually had to stop myself from working out today. Do you know how long it has been since I have had to talk myself OUT of working out?

I’m back, baby.

Jt Netterville said...

49:45 as rx'd + 10# vest.

I really don't have anything to say about that. I'm grateful for those that do. It's inspiring to get a glimpse of your determination and drive. Bravo.


I finished. That's about all I've got to say about that.

Steve said...

Life is like a box of chocolates JT.... Thank you all for your comments.

Sanjay said...

58:29, doing 150 lb lat pulldowns for the pullups and knee pushups in place of the real things.

I was kind of surprised I even finished the damn pushups. I started off well, with I think 26 in my frist stint, but I quickly ground down to small number, sometimes just doing a couple.

The run at the end was a total mess. I started ambitiously, thinking I was closer to the cutoff than I was, and pushed it right to 7.0. That lasted less than a minute, and stumbled my way back up to about 5.5-6.0 before making the last minute a 7.0 sprint.

Usually, there's a point somewhere in the evolution where I have to talk myself into pushing on with the workout. That didn't happen to me last night. Just a steady determination to just keep getting through the next few reps.

Of course, I could barely work out today, but it was totally worth it.

justin said...
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justin said...

kudos to everyone. the focus and determination this week was unparalleled!!

Tom said...

so I spoke a wee bit too soon as on day 2 I woke up with SOME knee pain, but nothing unbearable. I think that will probably just endup being par for the course from here on out.

Anonymous said...


I believe I am not pushing myself hard enough.

I modified my pull ups
I modified my almost all of my push ups

my squats were good for as far as I know and could have done a lot more of those so I'd probably didn't do them right, so next time please tell me if I do them wrong.

Running/ jogging the last mile on 5.9/6.3/7.0 made me finish on 35.15

the last part with the dead lifts was on 120 pounds but I could have done it heavier as I believe that I might have gotten stronger over the last couple of weeks.

Dave said...

Dave - 44:20

I don't have a lot of upper body strength, so I was on modified pullups by the time I hit 22. I also had to do 5 pushups at a time. My arms and shoulders were uncomfortable for 2 days.

I was able to do the squats with only 2 breaks. I had figured on making up all my time here and on the mile. The mile was done in just over 7 1/2 minutes.

It really is good to be back, even if it's only going to be for a few weeks.

justin said...

mascha, your squats looked spot on when i was watching. however, i wanna see you doing real pushups ALL THE TIME from now on!!