"there's no I in team"
500 jumping thrusters
500 jumping ball slam
500 push up
500 reverse KB swing
500 wallball
500 box jump
500 kb swing
500 renegade row
(4 person teams work together to get the accumulated 500 reps per movement)
A real motivator, this evolution brought everyones strengths and weaknesses to the surface. It was a close one, and though there was only one winner, most walked away satisfied with their performance. Mascha's vomit was an inspiration to us all. Thank you Mascha.
Friday, September 18, 2009
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great job tonight!! the camaraderie was inspiring. this was definitely one of my favorite madnesses to date. and mascha, tonight you displayed the "power of the puke". the more you puked the stronger you got. it was beautiful!! :)
jump thrusters were bar far the hardest for me and brutal - 15lbs medicine ball
Jump ball slams were by far my best - same load
pushups surprisingly were incredibly hard for me when they usually aren't - don't think I contributed enough
reverse KB swing were KILLERS - 30 lbs
wallball - always blow
box jumps - Sarah destroyed these and brought us all the way back to take the lead - amazing! - I stayed on medium the whole way through
KB swing - always a strong suit of mine - 30lbs
renegade rows - 30lbs - felt good about these
Definitely on point with Justin that this was certainly one of my fave madnesses yet. Love the team work, and the pregame antics - felt AWESOME!
A lot was accomplished and I am very grateful!
Bobby, you are an even sweatier beast than me!
Sarah, you kicked ass!
Johnny, way to rock on even with the injuries!
Have a great weekend and see you all next week!
So, you had to wait to pull out the good stuff for when I can't make it. It sounds like this monster was great. I suppose if I 'm going to do this on my own, I'd be looking at 125 reps apiece and some kind of bucket.
What are the mechanics for jump thrusters and reverse KB swings?
I aching just thinking about it.
Thanks Justin. It means a lot to me to mentioned like that by you.
Seriously, I am stoked. This was tough because I didnt want to let our team down...
I heart all of you !
* Jump thrusters : 10 pounds
* Jump ball slams : 10 pounds [nearly slammed the ball in my face a couple of times ... close call...]
* Push Ups : no more knees
* Reverse KB Swings : ouch... had no idea what to do, did 20 pounds first then on to the pink ones I believe... I didn't get the movement right but I just kept on going.
* Wallball : 10 pounds ... piece of cake... I can squat for days.
* Box Jumps ... made me nauseous ...
* KB swing 20 pounds ... kinda tough... nearly hurt myself again.
* Renegade rows I believe I did with 15 pounds... I was pretty good with those...
You guys should feel special ... I gave up Maya for MM ...
Hope to be back next week. Sorry I missed this one. It sounds awesome. I went to the gym today for the first time in three weeks. I came up with this little gem as a re-introduction. give it a try.
Run .25 miles, 25 push ups, 25 situps
Run .50 miles, 50 push ups, 50 situps
Run .75 miles, 75 push ups, 75 situps
Run 1.00 miles, 100 push ups, 100 situps.
Go home and cry to yo mama.
Good luck.
Jumping thruster:
basically its a front squat into an overhead press, but happens at such an explosive rate that the feet leave the ground and you catch some air when you are in the extended portion of the overhead press. When your feet touch the floor after the jump, come right back down into your front squat again. repeat.
reverse KB swing:
Get into a bent over row position, knees bent, with a pair of KBs. Push the KBs out in front of you about 3 inches, then pull them back as hard as you can behind you, As you do this, the natural thing to do is stand erect following the momentum of the KBs. As the KBs swing back down, return to BO row position with knees bent. repeat.
Sorry I missed the Madness, it sounds like it was a good workout.
I've been fighting off a cold all week, and when I got home for what was supposed to be a quick change into my work out clothes (because doing Madness in a tux seemed ill-advised) turned into me asleep in bed by 11:45. I should be back in fighting shape by next week, and, even if I'm not, I'll be damned if I miss two Madnesses in a row due to something as stupid as a cold.
nice sanjay
I just got done. I cut my reps to 100 a piece. Which means for that everyone that was there Thursday did 200 more movements on average than I did. You guys kick ass.
I finished in just under an hour, and it was brutal.
15 lb ball for Jumping Thrusters and Ball Slams.
15lb. for reverse KB swing
I wussed out on the wall ball and only did 10 lb.
Short Step for the Box Jump.
26lb KB Swing
20lb Renegade Row
I don't know if it was the non Madness Sound track or not having the whole gang around, but I had a some trouble staying up. It could also be that this was the first thing I did today. I finally got into the zone in the Renegade Rows. I kept that mantra "This will last for eternity."
Thanks Steve and Justin, you guys are mad scientists.
great job dave. way to keep your focus. looking forward to your return.
this is my favorite sesh by far. and i heart my A-team (that would be edgar, bobby, and johnny) because they rocked it.
jumping thrusters - 8lb ball
jumping ball slam - 8lb ball
push up - modified (on my knees)
reverse KB swing - 10 lbs kb
wallball - 8lb ball
box jump - medium box all the way
kb swing - started with 20lb kb then i thought the pink suited me better and grabbed the 18lb pink kb.
renegade row - 8lb weights
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