Friday, April 23, 2010

65th madness

100 OH squat @ 95# (3 burpees every rest)

5 kb clean & jerk
50 russian swings
(5 rounds)

last man standing sit ups


Jt Netterville said...

First: 10:38 at the suggested load with 6 burpee breaks...I think.

Then 12:55 @ 24kg Holy hella back fatigue Batman!

THEN: I pussed out in the 60s somewhere. Had had enough for the night. Sorry.

Remind me to tell you what we were doing a mere 10 hours later. You'll laugh.

Mike L said...

100 OH squat @ 95# (3 burpees every rest)
Modified to 65#. Had never done overhead squats before, but cranked out 34 before 1st rest/round of burpees (sweet). I think total I only had 4 periods of rest/burpees. I think it was either 12 minutes and change, or 16 minutes and change. I seemed to get through it rather quickly, which is also pretty cool.

5 kb clean & jerk
50 russian swings
(5 rounds)
Here's where I might have messed up because I lost count at one point. I'm pretty sure I did 5 rounds, as I kept pace with people who were presumably better at counting than I, and I recall thinking to myself that I had 2 rounds left at one point, and when I was done with the first round, I remember thinking that I had one. But I was still a little foggy and wasn't absolutely sure. Frustrating. Anyway, I was swinging at 50#, clean & jerk at 30#. 50# is about 16# more than I'm used to doing. Around 15 min. I forget. I have to write down times next time when they're called out.

last man standing sit ups
I got to 40s or 50s I think. I was the second one down. Oh well, a weakness exposed is still one made conscious.