The Evolution
1rm strict OHpress
"partner effort"
100 c&j 95#m 65#f
100 ball slam
200 partner towel rows
25 wallball
25 kb swing
25 box jump
(3 rounds)
"As a warrior you take responsibility for holding the balance
between light and dark within you and, by extension,
the world around you, and ultimately when you go deep enough,
the universe."
-Barefoot Doctor
!st part: 140 lbs. Hit some kind of plateau here. I could do 140, and it didn't feel like my 1 rep max, but 145 was simply not happening. I've been pretty inconsistent on strength exercises lately, so no surprise that it hasn't improved since last time.
@nd part: 13:13, working with Steve. Definitely felt good to be pushed into working harder. The C&J was definitely the hardest part as I felt like, even with Steve's lightning fast movements, I had difficulty establishing a good rhythm. It was took JUST long enough for the bar to get back to me that I lost the edge on the momentum. The other movements were faster and therefore easier to get into a good groove with. Oh 95 lbs on the C&J and 20 lbs on ball slams.
#rd: DNC, got 21 KB swings into the last set before the cut off (15 lbs wallball, 44 lbs kettlebell, medium box). This was a massive let down. After discovering in the previous evolution that my limits are a lot farther out there than I had previously thought, it was massively disappointing not to be able to pull together the focus to reproduce that feat of endurance on my own. I know it's easier to be pushed than to push yourself, but I do feel ashamed that I couldn't do it to myself. As with so much else in life, it all comes down to mental focus, which is both the simplest and hardest part.
I tried to implement the 100 push-ups as penance for finishing last, but only managed 55 before giving up.
I sometimes wonder if I really belong in this group.
Hey Sanjay that second part was 11:13. Just saying.
1rm strict press - 75lbs
2nd: partner effort with lexi
c&j - 65lbs
ball slam - 12lbs
wallball - 10lbs
kb swing - 26lbs
box jump - med
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