Like all paths, this one leads to self discovery. A culmination of perseverance and attrition. For some it comes quickly, for others, not so quickly. But eventually the seekers find. Outcomes differ. Some leave, some stay, some share the word, some covet it, but all evolve. All touch understanding.
50 DB Clean & Jerk - 5:57 25# DB's.
hpc/Burpee 1-10 ladder: 13:28 95#
10 minute Thrusters: 120 reps at 45# = 5,400#
50 DB C & J - 5:03 30# Kettlebell
generous rest
hpc (interpreted as hanging power clean??) 1 - 10 ladder 13:11 100# barbel
more rest
10 minute thrusters 117 reps at 45# bar
monday afternoon mediocrity :)
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