Alright revolutionaries. Here is a nice holiday gift for you to do at home this evening at midnight. Lets see if we can get some of you to vomit up some of the disgust you jammed into your bodies today;
100 bent over rows with gallon milk or water jugs (full for guys, 1/2 for ladies)+
90 squats+
80 push-ups+
70 sprint lunges+
60 full swings with ??? (i.e. a pillow case filled with silverware)+
50 burpees+
40 sofa jumps or step ups if you have neighbors downstairs+
30 situps+
20 decksquats+
10 handstandpushups
Enjoy that one. Send pictures if you feel up to it. Justin should have a witty name for that one soon. Post comments about your experience.
hahaha. i hope you guys didn't think we'd forget about you. "christmas calamity" is gonna test every ounce of your body and spirit. get at it and good luck!!
I just threw up my christmas dinner....Thanks Justin
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