The sky was crying and many refused to embark on the journey , but on this eve of devastation a select few showed their metal and entered the dominion of agony. The elements could not hold them nor their task masters make them retreat. The determination of the small group was akin to countless stories of warriors of old. Few standing against many, one against a giant, the slayers faced down their dragons. More than one experienced the painful pleasure of finally meeting their inner self. Ignoring exhaustion, ignoring fatigue, ignoring the lie of "can't", they crawled on bloody stumps to the end toward deliverance. Honor and gratitude to you all.
JT dominated the front squats for max points. Greg flew through the progression. Following shortly after was Brandon and Solange. There was no reward or redemption. There was no need. All the players left some DNA on the floor and I celebrate them. Understand what it means to allow your inner animal to take the leash that leads it.
he actually makes it sound so much easier than it actually was. Give us some credit Steve.
Squats 256 points
Endurance rotation 19:24
20# mb
kudos to all of you who persevered last night. as i sit and reminisce about the evolution, the image that remains etched in my mind is that of last night's newcomer, luke. during last night's hellacious circuit (which by the way our fearless leader and i have aptly named, "THAT'S DEVASTATING DUDE"), after completing the first two rounds, drenched in sweat, and sprawled out in complete exhaustion, i overheard luke lean over to his fellow warrior and say, "I FUCKEN LOVE THIS MAN!!"
thank you, luke. i think that about sums it up.
people just dont understand the animal this brings out, i feel like i watch myself do my workouts and see what type of animal i am! bring on achilles of troy lmao!!!
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