Friday, October 9, 2009

42nd madness


"where you at"

5,000 lbs. back squat


"dumbbell fuck you"

10 db deck squats
9 db burpee/jumping hi-pull combo
8 db box jump
7 japanese pushups on db
6 db OH lunge
5 2-hand db snatch
4 db tgu
3 db clean n jerk
2 db hack squat
1 db sit up
(5 rounds)

Those who've slept have awoken. Please post your shit.


justin said...

sorry i missed it guys. c u next week!!

Sanjay said...

HSPU: 0, though I feel like I had one or two in me, but just couldn't get my legs up to get started. Oh well. Just have to work harder to do it.

5k back squats: 53 reps, 95 lbs, 2:44. Should've gone heavier. I let myself off easy on this one. Was able to blast through the first 25 in short order, almost no stopping. Was able to do, more or less, sets of ten thereafter.

Dumbell Fuck You: 47:06, with 15 lbs weight and the small box for the jumps. The Deck Squats and burpees were really hard, though I think especially on the first few sets of burpees, I was giving myself way to much in the way of breaks. The rest were honestly a downhill run. Was able to hit a really good stride.

Also, as I dicussed with Steve afterward, it's interesting to note that I finished the 4th round somewhere around 39 and change, so it seems I took 10 minutes apiece for the first four sets and finished the last one in 8. I've gotta work on being less intimidated and demoralized by this evolutions. I come here for a reason, after all. As Steve says, just gotta be less sentimental.

It felt good to do well this week. I've felt weak lately, and not just phsyically. Felt good to manage this in a respectable time (though I do wish I'd shaved at least a couple of minutes off of that with the deck squats and burpees).

Nicio said...

First time taking the class. Good stuff, looking forward to get my butt kicked again.. Good group and energy..

Fathead said...

HSPU - I attempted 1 but didn't get it. Crazy because I used to be able to do a few but that was when my lower body wasn't as strong as my upper body so it wasn't as heavy. I think Im making excuses now but 5 will def be done by January 1st.

5K back squats: 38 reps 135lbs, 1:50
busted out 25 non stop - quick rest - then final 13. Piece of cake.

Dumbell F'you: 42:17 30lbs, small and medium box.
Hack squats are majorly rough on the knees so as Steve pointed out - keep it light. Felt pretty strong throughout this one*

* Note: I drank crack-cocaine aka a REDLINE before MM and it was no joke. I was flying high!

Side note: Im getting ever closer to doing a bar muscle up... I'm inches away and I feel it coming on soon!

Great to be back after 2 weeks off and can't wait to see what Justin's welcome back will be next week - YIKES!

Have a great weekend guys/gals!

Fathead said...

Oh yeah, and Jess is not human. No really, she isn't.

Jessicaca said...

1ere: 21

2eme: 3:05@135#...I'm an idiot.

Apres: "dumbbell f-ed me"
46:40 @ 26#
oftentimes, i have dreams where i'm fighting against someone, but can't seem to punch hard enough or run fast enough. this felt like that. no matter how hard i pushed and how many deck squats i suffered through, there were always endless mountains of burpee hi-pulls to endure. round 5 seemed light years away. my legs were on fire from the squats and need i mention my arms after hspus? at one point i thought of ripping my shirt off, but i like that shirt. did i mention how much i love steve?

Staci Rene said...


5k Back Squats: 125 reps at 40lbs. It took me 7:50 and I finished last.

Dumbell F'U: 10 lbs Finished in 45:29. The TGU's were really tough on my knee and I loathe doing box jumps with weight. Thanks to Bobby and Jess for keeping me motivated!

Im working on my Push Ups and Pull Ups for the next "where u at"

Jt Netterville said...

Just made up my Where You At pullups...31. Need to work on that.

Where You At HSPU: 24
5,000# back squat: 1:20 38 reps@ 135#
DB F' You 38:27 with 30#db & tall box.

Didn't mean to sound so negative about folks coming to see the competition this weekend. Master Chief caught me while I was still recovering from the F You. Combine that with the fact I'm not happy about charging spectators for a seat and you get Crabby, Negative Jt.
The Long Cycle Championships starts at 9 at Jacquie O High School on 46h St in manhattan and goes through the evening.
I'd love to see anyone there who wants to see what girevoy sport is all about. General admission is $20. has all the details.
See you guys in a couple of weeks.

Steve said...

thanks JT. good luck if i can't end up making it.