Sunday, February 14, 2010

55th madness

the evolution

1) supps with sdhp

2) 5 min hold heavy

3) 4x 25 x 4


Unknown said...

Hey guys,

Sorry I missed everyone this week, the 18th. I was in the mountains celebrating susie's bday and vday. I missed the workout so I made something up to do at a log cabin when there is no gym to go to. I thought you guys may get a kick out of it. Here it is:
-100 situps
-30 hand stand pushups
-100 bent over rows using your significant others weight (grip under the shoulder blades or have her/him hold a branch/stick)
-200 pushups
-300 air squats
-400 strokes of chopping wood with an axe
-30 handstand pushups
-100 situps

See you guys thursday,

justin said...

how long did that take? a week?

Unknown said...

Heh. I'm not sure. It took a while man. We were snowed in.