Friday, February 26, 2010

57th madness



"Wheels of Hell"

First of all I want to congratulate everyone for testing themselves with the loads and pushing themselves on the sprint.

Tonight was a classic example of the premier concept in the Extreme Fitness Concepts manifesto : Concept #1 - basic movements learned to perfection. The squat, deadlift, oh press, and bench press are the cornerstones of all others, and you all are performing them nicely.

Keep in mind that the rules of engagement are thus; proper joint alignment = proper form. When we preach proper form it has a two fold purpose. 1) to decrease the capacity for injury. 2) to enable further work capacity in terms of load and duration. That said, if your squat doesn't look like my squat, it doesn't mean it's wrong. Following the law of individual differences tells us that every body is different. For instance, my deadlift at a stout 5'9" will look similar to, but not the same as, Eric's deadlift at 6'4". However, if the system of joints in both bodies, however different, are aligned in concert with one another in order to fight gravity through the movement's range of motion, then the form is proper. Another example is this. If I can squat below parallel and Edgar has difficulty safely getting down that low at any load due to structural issues but is still maintaining proper joint alignment, does that mean he is not doing a squat? Of course he is doing a squat. He's doing a proper squat with the bio-machine he is working with. In fact it's an Uber-Proper squat because he has gained the body knowledge to adapt to the body he has on that particular day. But we still strive for perfection, even if the term itself is debated and will continue to be for ever. This is why we have schools of thought. By my standards, however, which are the only ones that count in this forum, you're all on the right path. Keep what works, throw the rest out, be your toughest critic. Post your shit.


Fathead said...

OK first off, I was SOOO happy to be back and last nights madness was super fun and a great way to get back into it.

Ok so I had a dream last night that we were playing football and we were showing off our arms and ERIC had a cannon for an arm! He was throwing about 60 yards on a rope! I mean ridiculous velocity and I kept calling him Jeff Favre but meant to call him Jeff George! really funny, oh and I remember me trying to hit Jess on a deep ball a few times but I was inaccurate once and it got picked off the next time. Good times!

Bench Press - 255lbs
OH Press - 155lbs
Deadlift - 235lbs
Squat - 185lbs

Wheels of Insanity or whatever that was called:
Time: 21:02

Again, I had a blast. Great mix of strength and speed. Thanks a million! It was my first full week back at the gym with my normal routine and I feel like a million bucks!

Have a great weekend and see you next time!

Sanjay said...

I don't know about anyone else, but I felt awful about my performance last night, and the fact that I still feel kind of sick isn't helping my outlook.

Anyway, on the strength portion, I felt good actually, even though, because I showed up late, I felt like I might've been under my ideal weight by about 5-10 lbs (except maybe the deadlifts). It's weird, with the strength-based stuff, a particular weight feels right when I start, but then starts to actually feel too light. One of these days I'll have to test that out and see if I actually could lift more, or if that's just my mind and body getting into the groove or something.

Overhead Press - 105 lbs
Deadlift - 165 lbs
Bench Press - 95 lbs
Squat - 135 lbs

All in all, decent weights, but, again, I felt like I could've gone a little heavier. Ah well.

Hell on Wheels: 28:43 using a 16 lbs ball and all but the last was on those weird reclining bikes.

I hated this, because it underscores a lot of the things I've been doing wrong with myself lately (poor diet, lack of regular excercise). First time since I started with you guys that Madness has made me feel physically ill, and it wasn't till I got down to the 30 set that I could do the wall slams without stopping.It felt good to finish, but I was immensely frustrated with myself because I know, if I'd kept anywhere close to the shape I'd been in in, say, October, I could've probably shaved at least a solid minute, maybe even two off that time. I know it's of no real use to bombard myself with "shoulds" but I'm just frustrated that I seem unable or unwilling to translate that anger into any kind of useful action in my day-to-day life.

Steve said...


Being a mammal, there is a literal animal inside of you that can only be tapped by rising above the logical mind. As cerebral as you are, that animal is sometimes hidden behind a systematic approach to the task. This often works for you; however, when you throw an emotion into the mix like anger, the emotion has a tendency to create a stalemate with your logical mind. The animal thrives on emotion. Logic is crippled by it. Tap the animal and I would bet you will find ways to utilize that anger.

Jessicaca said...

1ere: Press @ 80#
Squat @ 165#
Bench i hate you.
DL @ 245#

2eme: 23:19 @ 15#

Jessicaca said...
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