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newbies worked clean n press
vets did:
15 kb swings
15 kb goblet squat
15 kb goblet lunge
15 kb sdhp
(5 rounds 20 min cut off)
10 burpees
50 ft KB wounded bear crawl
20 pull ups
50 ft kb walking sotts press
30 jump squats
50 ft KB wounded bear crawl
40 sit ups
50 ft kb walking sotts press
50 hspu
(25 min. cut off)
last man standing plank
The Way is one of introspection. The outward stimuli of that which makes the lesser get stuck in the ruts of past illusions is what we seek to tune out and ignore entirely. False celebratory remarks do not have wings in our arena. We are our own critics, our own judges, our own executioners. To keep things light is important but to expect an outcome is fruitless. The outcome is a byproduct of the work and the work is different per individual. The work may be as simple as understanding the effects of a certain grip, or as difficult as putting to rest a psychological hurdle that takes one off the migratory route that their consciousness is set upon. Regardless the work, the individual would do well not to seek praise nor credit. This is not purposeful endeavor. Purposeful endeavor comes from within. Know yourself, know your purpose and resist wasting your vital creative energy on attaining credit from an illusory environment. This will always disappoint. Channeling that vital creative energy inward, taking inventory as you do, leads to a place to of sharing. Please post your shit.
It's been too long. But while I was away I did my best to keep up on my own. I think it was a success. There is a mental prep that needs to be done before coming here and I get better at it every time. That said, the process never ends and I keep surprising myself in some areas and finding the short-comings in others constantly. When I'm away I do my best to stay at pace with this, but I do enjoy basking in the ebb and flow, and the sheer drive of the group. It's nice to be pushed.
First Vets: 13:03 with 30 lb. KB.
I really liked this one, but I under sold myself. Justin suggested 35 lb. next time and he's right. So I'll use 40 lb.
Then: 21:20? It was under 22 for sure.
1st Wounded Bear Crawl 35 lb., 1st Walking SOTTS 25 lb (modified), 2nd Bear Crawl 25 lb. 2nd SOTTS 20 lb. (modified). I did 15 modified HSPU's and then finished with straight presses, 15 at 25 lb. and 20 at 20 lb.
My legs started shaking immediately into the plank. As much as I tried to calm myself the shake went through my whole body, which really screwed with my head. I think I was 5th or 4th to last man standing.
Vets: 16:34 with 26# KB
2nd Evolution I used 10# for the Walking Sotts Press (which felt like 100# after the first evolution). I truly loathe the wounded bear crawl! It takes me forever grrrr. I did lat pull down for pull-ups and modified my HSPU on the bench.
I am pretty sore all over today which hasnt happened in a long time.
First thing: DNC, but got through the fourth set of Kb swings (exactly, actually, I didn't even start the fourth set of squats. Used a 44 lbs Kb, by the way. Clearly, my lower back has been neglected lately, as that was the only place I actually felt this workout. I lost massive amounts of time on the goblin lunges, and, with my lower back clenched tight enough to stop the oil leak in the gulf, I pretty much limped (metaphorically) through the rest of the routine. My back is still worn out from it.
Second thingy: Finally starting to understand getting in the zone and working on it. It really comes down to a question of concentrating on what you're doing right now. Yes, the whole routine is long and grueling, but don't think about the whole routine at once. Just the next sit-up, or the next few steps or whatever. It felt really great to keep focused and moving through an evolution that involves a lot of movements I normally don't deal with well (burpees, pull-ups, and wounded bear crawls). Kinda sold myself a little short on the weights, but I was feeling very beatdown after the first evolution. (25 lbs dumbbells on the crawls, 15 lbs dumbells on the sotts, 120 lbs lat pulldown instead of pull-ups, modified HSPU). Of all of it, only the WBC really threatened to crush me, but I still kept after myself, never lettig myself rest for more than three or four big breaths before pressing on, even if it was just one or two more "steps". Also, maybe it's just because I low-balled the weight, but the walking sott presses were actually kinda fun. I'll have to do those some more.
I was very much not the last man standing. I think I lasted maybe a minute or so (some who dropped not too long before me was 42 seconds). I definitely had another 10-20 seconds (at least) of strength left in my body, but it all came down to focus. I lost focus and within seconds my body came crashing to the floor. I had been running music through my head to keep my mind off of the effort, but when I hit a break in the song, everything went out the window. I definitely need to investigate some more reliable, less gimmicky ways to focus myself for these holding ones. Movement I can deal with. Stillness is hard.
Sounded sick! Ill be back this week for sure! I can't wait!
[late post]
first vets :
26 lbs kb
8lbs db, 21:30
42 secs plank [lame]
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