(more pics)
The Evolution:
"The Agoge"
max DB OH LUNGE in 8 minutes
max MAN MAKER in 8 minutes
max BOX JUMP in 8 minutes
max DB SNATCH in 8 minutes
max AIR SQUATS in 8 minutes
max SIT UPS in 8 minutes
max CRAB CRAWL in 8 minutes
max DISTANCE RUN in 8 minutes
In ancient Sparta, young boys were taken from their families at the age of seven to begin a twelve year intense program of physical education, strategy, and martial skill. They called it The Agoge. Each year would culminate with an evolution that would last eight days and eight nights. Some didn't make it.
Thanks to Paul from Crossfit Queens for stopping by and getting a little taste of the mad. We'll see you and your posse next week. Also, thanks Jessica for programing this evil, and subbing for Justin.
"Illusions commend themselves to us because they save us pain and allow us to enjoy pleasure instead. We must therefore accept it without complaint when they sometimes collide with a bit of reality against which they are dashed to pieces. "
-Sigmund Freud
One of my favorite Madness nights was Xerxes. It only seems fitting that the Agoge ranks right up there, too. After redoing the math and checking my handwriting I made it to 769 movements and .95 of a mile.
Overhead Lunge - 130
Manmaker - 22
Box Jumps - 144
KB Swing - 90
Air Squats - 215 (9 more than my best "Where you at")
Sit Ups - 155
Crab Walk - 13
.95 of a mile
Long time madnesser first time blogger. First and foremost I'd like to thank Steve for all his hard work and changing not only my training, but has made E.F.C. into a lifestyle for me. I can remember back to my first madness and my first bear crawl and the pain and agony felt the following week after. Now i can't envision ever reverting back to how 90 % percent of america trains. Madness goes on midnight because others are scared and intimidated. They look, laugh and mock, but if they only knew.
Enough of the pansy shit. "The Agoge" was awesome and constant, the final run was brutal.
These colors dont run...
Total : 851
(with exactly a mile run to finsh)
oh lunge (10lbs) - 120
manmakers (10lbs) - 17
box jumps (med) - 119
db high pull (?) (10lbs) - 74
air squats - 170
situps - 121
reverse crawl - 14
run - .60
EFC madness,
Thanks for letting me jump in and get some. I have to say, I was impressed at the effort from the group at midnight and what ended up being a long grueling workout. My glutes are still feeling those lunges. Also, I was so pumped post workout I didn't get to bed until 4am. So thanks for a sleep deficit ;).
We are bringing in some athletes june 17th for the next evolution! The invite is open for any of you to join us for a workout at CrossFit Queens anytime just give me the heads up. Mention midnight madness and its just 15 to drop in. Steve has my number. Here is my email: paul@crossfitqueensny.com.
Thanks again! Great time, great group!
Score: used 25# db's
Over head lunges – 130
Man makers (push up, row right hand, push up, row left, clean/jerk, that’s 1 rep) – 29, did the 1st 5 wrong, so didn’t count them
Box jumps (FML my calves were shot from tabata BJ’s the other day) – 210
Db snatches (both hands) – 75
Air squats – 196
Sit ups – 157, un-anchored
Crab crawls max distance (prescribed lengths of the gym, but i just did laps) – 13 lengths
Max distance run on treadmill – 1 mile
total reps + distance = 805 + 1 mile
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