The Evolution:
15 mins of snatch
(singles, doubles, or triples)
50ft farmer carry heavy
10 dips
50ft overhead carry heavy
10 pull ups
(max rounds in 20 mins)
Max reps of front squat in 10 mins
(65# for F 95# for M)
"I have never met a truly strong person who didn't have self-respect. I think a lot of inwardly and outwardly directed contempt passes itself off as self-respect: the idea of raising yourself by stepping on someone's shoulders instead of doing it yourself. When I see guys working out for cosmetic reasons, I see vanity exposing them in the worst way, as cartoon characters, billboards for imbalance and insecurity. Strength reveals itself through character."
- Henry Rollins (An excerpt from "The Iron" originally published in Details Magazine)
We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey - Kenji Miyazawa
Not exactly what I lived up to last night. I feel like I beat myself last night, or let myself be beaten. I got close to doing 95 lb. with the snatch at the end of the first 15 mins. I think if I came at it fresh I could make it look pretty. I don't do a lot of work that involves the bar and it shows in my technique. It's one more thing in a growing list of movements I need to work on.
I'm really disappointed in my 2nd Round evolution. I was able to do 7. I didn't push my speed on the carries. While I'm happy to have done 70 dips I really don't think I pushed myself here.
60. I let my head get the better of me here. I did 15 reps at the suggested 95 lb. and the rest at 75 lb. Changing the weight cost me some time. I'm going to try to be happy that I attempted the goal weight.
One of my favorites:
Pain is weakness leaving the body.
145# for my 3rm. Took some rest and got 155# for 1x. Snatch needs miles of work, but I felt pretty good about that.
11 rounds w/32kg bells overhead, 95# dbs for the carry and all but 2 rounds of dips on the rings.
50# at 95# in rotation with Bobby and Brandon.We could have hit more if we hadn't started out so conservative. We did single reps and gave the bar to the next in line. By 20 we upped to 2 reps, at 30 we did 3 reps and then 5 at the very end. It kept us moving fast the whole time, but I think we could have started at the 3 and climbed from there, saving transition time.
I hate snatches. I lift weights ... very controlled because I am a control freak ... and slow. If I have to think about doing a couple of things at once ... I freak out. I get overwhelmed and frustrated.
I can't dance either. So needless to say... this part sucked. Plus my shoulders are still tender [haha I love that word ... makes me sound like a pussy] so I took it reallll easy.
The second part of this tripple torture was something I like. It puts you in a mindset to just keep on going ... like there is no end and its just you and the exercise you are doing at that moment...
I ended up doing 9
blue kettlebells [20 pounds] for farmers walk and it was easy both the walk and the overhead carry ... even though at the end, my elbows were starting to give in because I was too tired/ sloppy to lock. I did the high dips ... great stretch on my triceps and even shoulders. The pull ups were assisted 40, 50 and 60 and pull down on 75 depending on what was available.
The last exercise is right up my alley. Squats. I love them. I have superstrong legs and I can squat in my sleep.
I ended up doing 125 and was on the women's weight goal of 65.
♥ squats
Overall I felt like a failure. I just don't like snatches because I am to worried that I will get hurt because of my own stupidity.
I yelled at Justin because I felt attacked and frustrated.
I have little stamina. I haven't done mindless stupid cardio and I realized that that mindlessness is exactly what will get you through MM, the marathon or anything that requires to push yourself and don't cry. So I guess I will be doing cardio soon.
Overall ... Midnight Madness is awesome. The core group is amazing and I am just so proud how strong I have gotten over the last year.
Thank you Justin and Steve ! You guys are awesome. [ and so is Jess]
ok... this is the end of my novel
Thanks for that xadness. Your efforts do not go unnoticed. You are a pleasure.
As far as control vs. snatch : the snatch requires more system control than any other lift I can think of. Just food for thought - maybe some inspiration.
See you next time.
snatches - 45lbs triple, 55lbs double
total of 6 rounds with 18lb kettlebell
55 oh squats with 65lb bar
Snatch puts me in a dark place...145# single rep(super ugly)
2) 10 1/2 rounds 62 lb kettle bells
100 lbs dumbbells(farmers carry)
ring dips
strict pullups
3) See JT's post
Everyday I evolve. Do you?
These colors dont run...
1st. Didn't realize when we started - if I were to go by what is written on my sheet, I did 6 at 95, and then 4 at 115. I did several more as warmups which could have been counted, but I found this first exercise confusing when it had ended because I didn't know when it had formally begun.
2nd. At least 6 rounds. 45 lb carry, 45 lb overhead. kipping pullups, full dips. Went to dark place a few times during pull ups.
3rd. 95 lbs 23. Struggled with form on this one.
weaknesses exposed.
Still feel like there is a foreign object of pain and discomfort in solar plexus related to overthinking, fear, doubt, etc.
Absolute certainty that whenever this "thing" clears, workouts will completely change.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.
I like that.
Pain is falsehood loosening its grip upon the will.
Something false is purged every time the mind/body system is pushed out of the comfort that is the drug of our culture.
Religion gave the devil horns and cloven hooves because animal consciousness is threatening to a system of rules.
An animal does not know guilt, and guilt is the currency of religion and western society.
There is a rule, the rule is outside of you, although still within you as a foreign object; the agent of guilt; bringer of a standard based on socially constructed cruelty; against nature.
A rule can't love. It can't fight. It can't fuck. It is not intelligent. It is only a facsimile of something real. And what was ever real about it is already gone.
In rare moments of fight or desperation, something simpler comes. A silence that for, if only seconds, becomes louder than noise, larger than the small self that we call a me or an I.
No pain in that state; no falsehood.. Only motion.. Only life.
Crazy Mike,
I believe we have just been introduced to the real you Mike. Thank you for that post brother. You have hit a poignant nail right on the head with a truth hammer. Thank you for your work, You have transcended the superficial and have finally embarked on an introspective journey that I know began a long time ago. You have given us a lot to think about. Thanks for allowing us to share in your evolution.
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