The Evolution:
"Rite of Passage"
(max burpees in 30 mins."
7 hanging hi-pulls
7 push press
(max rounds in 7 mins, f-65# m-95#)
"What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night.
It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime.
It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset."
-Crowfoot, Blackfoot warrior and orator, 1890
1ere: blegh 366
2eme: 4 rounds + 10 reps @ 95#
Ahhhh Rite of Passage again eh?! AHHHHHH!!!
Ok so I went back thru the records and we've officially done this 3 times.
First time around I did 185, Hell Night I did 190 and this last time I did 180... I have to break at least 200 next time around. That is my goal. This was my 3rd consecutive MM (in a long time) and Im feeling great getting back in the flow of things.
Second evo I did 5 rounds at load goal of 95lbs...could'vv maybe eeked out another one in the 7 minute time crunch.
Great to have you back Steve!!!
Good times!
Rite of Passage: This was my first full one, not counting the one on Hell Night, which was only 20 minutes. The number was 121. But what bothers me more than the low number is that, even with having been away from the gym for almost a solid month, and a good chunk of that spent eating way too much food in Italy, I know I had more in me than I brought to this evolution. I don't know why it's so difficult to reach inside and draw on those reserves that I know are in there, but it's really starting to piss me off.
Lifting: 5 and a half rounds at 85 lbs. Since, as Steve observed, I do better with shorter and heavier evolutions than longer and lighter ones, no real surprise that this worked better for me. Still, I should've been able to do goal, at the very least. (I did give the goal weight a test run, but couldn't even complete a high-pull with it, after all those burpees.) Interesting that at the start, the high-pulls felt like the harder part of the evolution, but that gradually reversed itself as the work went on.
THE POWER OF RUNNERS TIGHTS DID 314 loved every minute of it as for the 7 minutes of hell did four rounds went soo fast i think i had 4 heart attacks.
Blegh, Jessica? You know, you averaged just over one burpee every FIVE SECONDS over the course of a half an hour. If I could get anywhere close to that, I'd be ecstatic. It'll be a long road to get there.
Rite: 343
THEN: 7 rounds + 5 high pulls at 95#
Didn't break stride on the burpees until about 70. So that's a personal best. But then again, Jess had me outpaced by about 8 reps by that point. So, onwards and upwards. I've got about 8 weeks to see if I can catch up to her.
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