the evolution
10-1 DL ladder @ bodyweight
after every set do a round of:
6 pull ups
12 sit ups
single arm kb movements in each hand 30-f 50-m
5 c+j
5 snatch
5 oh squat
(5 rounds with a split jump chaser)
farmer carry challenge f-65 m-95
La Prima: 18:35, with the following mods: DL @ 185 lbs (what I should weigh, rather than what I do weigh), modified HSPUs using a medium-sized box, assisted pull-ups (first three sets with a 70 lbs assist, the remainder at 100 lbs). I'm finally learning how to tap my own reserves of drive and simply work. I need to work on the HS part of the HSPUs, as the modified ones are way too easy. It's so close, I just have to keep working.
La Prossima: 7:35 @ 26 lbs and the Rules Lawyer Award, for not realizing the SAOHS, like everything else, was 5 on EACH hand, not 5 all told. I was a little low on the weight, but the 35 lbs KB felt unwieldy in test runs, and I didn't have time to dig through the black ones for a 30. This was another good run for me, as I was able to power through many movements with minimal stopping. I was enthusiastic and driven and got through it in great time. The split jumps were another matter. I simply could not get a good run going. The worst part was my calves. They were so tensed up that I'd get to the bottom of the movement and could barely move to bounce back. So, after a great KB workout, I had to limp through the chaser.
L'Ultima: Got about 1.5 x the distance between the rack and the mats. This was fun, but I think I would've done better if I'd been more careful with the barbells. One thing that was striking about JTs run was how precise his control over the bars was. I think I made the mistake of treating it like a KB farmer carry, where control of the weight isn't an issue. Here it was and lack of control quickly left me dragging the things on the ground.
All in all, I had a surprisingly great night. I came in very worried about my potential performance. I had one of the worst days I've had in recent memory. I was upset and didn't think I could hack it, but, as we counted down to the first evolution, I was able to put everything aside and simply work. It's something I need to learn to do on cue, but I know it's there. I think, for the first time in a long time, it was truly an evolution, not merely a struggle.
nice job sanjay. proud of u bud.
1ere: 10:40 @ 145# dl, ctbpu
2eme: 8:27 or summin like that.
3eme: sucked. barely one length.
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