the evolution:
5 hanging power snatch
10 hanging power clean
15 thrusters
(5 rounds 95m 65f **20 min cut off**)
Deck squat/broadjump down
Burpee/broadjump back
25 wall ball
(3 rounds)
Last man standing
Barbell hold at hanging position
"Ultimately, you must forget about technique. The further you progress, the fewer teachings there are. The Great Path is really NO PATH." - Ueshiba Morihei
1 comment:
Hell of a work out last night! True!
First: 18+ min.
2 rounds @ load goal of 95lbs
the rest @ 85lbs
My snatch is nice and strong I think, my cleans stronger and because my knee is getting WAY better I was able to get really low on my thrusters (which suck BTW) but Im still not using enough of my legs to push the weight above my head. Essentially what Im doing is just a basic front squat into a press which is not a thruster! *note to self* need to watch JT's impeccable for on these...
Then: 12:09
Deck squats are a bit hard for a big man like me but I got through them. Burpees surprisingly were the easiest part of this evo. I could feel the impact of the broad jumps on my left knee at times which was disconcerting...
Finally: 5+ min. All I remember was looking over at Brandon and being envious of how relaxed he was after I dropped. It looked like he could've been holding that bar for another 10 minutes...ridiculous!
Great times last night guys. Many thanks to you and the awesome crew that was there. See you all next week and have a great weekend!
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