Sunday, April 4, 2010

62nd madness

The Evolution:

100ft bearcrawl
10 pushups
100ft crabcrawl
10 floor dip (feet elevated)

"crown of thorns"
max HSPU in 10 mins

"the 10 plagues"
1 rep, ten movements, 10 rounds, heavy

1 comment:

Sanjay said...

Unleavened: 9:58. As I said during the evolution, this kind of thing was a lot easier when I was 10. Mostly, I just had trouble getting the coordination down on the bear crawl and especially the crab crawl.

Crown of Thorns: After doing 22 using the high box, I was told I was doing it wrong. Proceeded to do 70 more that were, apparently, correct, for a modified HSPU. I need to work on the balance, because I really feel like a proper HSPU is just out of sight.

10 Plagues: 14:10 @ 95 lbs. Probably could've gone a little heavier if my arms had been a bit fresher, but after so much arm heavy work, even 105 was very unwieldy. Got into a decent rhythm on this one. Was able to break the routine into phrases, now I just have to work on stringing phrases together more smoothly.

On an unrelated note, my Word Verification is "dowch". I find that funny.