Thursday, December 25, 2008

absent but not forgotten

Alright revolutionaries. Here is a nice holiday gift for you to do at home this evening at midnight. Lets see if we can get some of you to vomit up some of the disgust you jammed into your bodies today;

100 bent over rows with gallon milk or water jugs (full for guys, 1/2 for ladies)+
90 squats+
80 push-ups+
70 sprint lunges+
60 full swings with ??? (i.e. a pillow case filled with silverware)+
50 burpees+
40 sofa jumps or step ups if you have neighbors downstairs+
30 situps+
20 decksquats+
10 handstandpushups

Enjoy that one. Send pictures if you feel up to it. Justin should have a witty name for that one soon. Post comments about your experience.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

midnight madness "THE T-SHIRT"

The shirts came in on monday. They will be 15 bucks to all you madness revolutionaries. Anyone who hasn't participated, they will cost more. They are 100% natural, simple, clean, and to the point. They also shrink like nobody's business, so allow for a good washing. Get em quick. Limited quantity.

Friday, December 19, 2008

midnight madness#5

On the final gathering of 2008 and the last collective massacre before we all retreat to our normal lives and break bread for our chosen holiday, I think on a happier time when extreme effort meant progress and rite of passage was the inciting incident to all celebration. Now celebration seems to be THE rite of passage. Well the insane who dwell inside the walls after midnight are experiencing true rite of passage. As they taste the sweetness of celebration this holiday season they may reflect on the physical and psychological gauntlet they have been running weekly in the recent months past. They may be jarred with the memory of meeting themselves for the first time. They may be inspired by the knowledge that inside them lies an animal that will aid them if they summon it. They may stand tall with the realization that the lie of "can't" has become weak and timid inside of them. They may really experience the celebration.

Madman of the week was B for not listening to the lie and breaking through when frustration wanted to lay her to rest. Everyone else... you're bad ass. Have a good,well deserved holiday. Check for posts that will challenge you over the next 2 weeks. See you all in 2009.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

JT presents a challenge

For all you madness revolutionaries who are interested, here is a breakdown of the challenge set forth by madman JT. Three things if you want in:

1)You must complete all events in one week at the end of March.
2)You must have at least one witness present for each event.
3)You must hand in a written copy of the training program that got you to the event.

That being said, Here it is:


Event: Going for:
OH Anyhow total__________________________1RM
DL (from floor)__________________________1RM
Cl (from floor)__________________________1RM
OH Sq (BN Rk J, below II)________________1RM
Wt Chin__________________________________1RM
KB SS Sn Test 24kg_______________________highest reps 10min
M-U (Bar or Rings)_______________________highest reps
HSPU to Floor____________________________highest reps
Chin-ups(Any Grip/Full Hang)_____________highest reps
Clap Pushup (Full Depth)_________________highest reps
Standing Broad Jump______________________longest distance (in)
Hang for Time (prone grip)_______________longest time (sec)
1mi Run Treadmill (1%)___________________quickest time(sec)
40-Yard Dash_____________________________quickest time
100 45#SDHP______________________________quickest time (sec)

OH = Get the weight overhead. Press it. Push press it. Jerk it. Whatever. Your highest 1rm is what counts.
OH Sq= OH Squat behind the neck from the rack, jerk it up. thighs must break parallel with the ground.
KB SS Sn = KB Secret Service Snatch Test at 24 KG. As many snatches on whatever arm you can do in 10 minutes.
M-U= Muscleups

If you want in post a comment. Also, JT, could you post a comment describing how the bodyweight/work ratio will determine the overall score? That would be great.


Friday, December 12, 2008

midnight madness #4

The sky was crying and many refused to embark on the journey , but on this eve of devastation a select few showed their metal and entered the dominion of agony. The elements could not hold them nor their task masters make them retreat. The determination of the small group was akin to countless stories of warriors of old. Few standing against many, one against a giant, the slayers faced down their dragons. More than one experienced the painful pleasure of finally meeting their inner self. Ignoring exhaustion, ignoring fatigue, ignoring the lie of "can't", they crawled on bloody stumps to the end toward deliverance. Honor and gratitude to you all.

JT dominated the front squats for max points. Greg flew through the progression. Following shortly after was Brandon and Solange. There was no reward or redemption. There was no need. All the players left some DNA on the floor and I celebrate them. Understand what it means to allow your inner animal to take the leash that leads it.

Friday, December 5, 2008

midnight madness #3


"Three sets of ten reps is sufficient". When those words pass the lips of a dilettante or are seen gracing the pages of a dis-informative magazine, I turn inward: and, in an instant, relive the hours of vein opening torture I have inflicted upon myself and countless individuals who have retained my assistance. While reflecting, the corners of my mouth turn toward the sky and my gaze shortly follows. At that moment, a part of me anticipates a mass of fury that will surely rain down from the heavens at the insolence of such blasphemy. Equally loathsome is this question: "Do you think I'm over training?" Well, NO IT'S NOT and NO YOU'RE NOT though the heavens still haven't opened.

Last night's madness morphed into something that wasn't expected. A group of individuals showed up, and a group left. A camaraderie was formed. Like hostages who fall prey to stockholm syndrome, all pitched in to please their captors with encouraging jeers darting from their lips, beckoning their fellows to join the fold by laying down upon the tracks of the agony express. Last stop: nauseating honor. The energy in the room throbbed with a silent excitement that was at times deafening. One could carve their name in the wall of focus that was built to block out the mundane. Improvised objects that at one time seemed a comfort, now were causing hands to stiffen and bellies to ache. A new level of intensity was glimpsed as the players were no longer dwelling on self, but dismissing petty feelings of "me" to make room for thoughts of the well being of their team mates. The winners of the "relay" were Ed, Eric, and JT. Their reward is to mastermind the redemption of their fallen brothers and sisters who, in spite of their efforts, finished only moments too late.

A small crowd gathered, and the horrified looks on the faces of those not involved reminded me of this quote by Akira Kurosawa, " In an insane world, only the sane are insane." Those that looked on and did not open their flesh to taste the sweet milk that glory brings became the outsiders. The Mad truly claimed their piece of dirt.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Questions that start with "how" often present themselves. How do I gain this? How do I lose this? How do I make this bigger? How do I make this smaller? How can I eat like that? How did I get this way? How do I live without whatever?  How? How? How? All seem valid; however,  all are the  same essential question: "HOW DO I CHANGE?"  The answer lies in the belief that you can, then  doing whatever necessary to support that belief. Sounds simple, sounds cliche, and it is both. 

Mental blocks are a part of every endeavor and physical limitations play a crucial role in being a change agent for yourself. In spite of these two very real obstacles there is something lurking underneath that is the true master of both success and defeat. That lurking master is spirit, or will, or heart, or soul, or drive, or whatever you may categorize it as. It is the true self, and it's where the house of belief is continually constructed. This is who you listen to when you think you "can't" because your mind will tell you to stop long before your body needs to. Furthermore, your body has chemical safety protocols that kick in, way before they're needed, as a protective mechanism to prevent injury. Thus, both mind and body sweep in to protect the flesh unconsciously and often too early. This is why training was invented, to push back the threshold of "can't". 

Next time your mind and body say stop, think with your spirit and push a little more as if to tell your protectors to go fuck themselves. You'll taste freedom in that moment, but it will elude you. If you want to change, keep following your spirit toward freedom. Look on "can't" with pity. Envelope your pain with love. Wrap the image of what you want in a ribbon of belief and fix it to your spirit. Pay attention to what occurs. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

1 : a style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme spareness and simplicity

1: of, relating to, or done in the style of minimalism

The alarm startles you out of the refuge you escaped to the night before after another day of meaninglessness lulled you into a quiet slumber. The bed is warm and safe and embraces you like a mother. You gather yourself for another yesterday. The mirror only reflects a mere shadow of the idealism that had once gazed back. You do the routine: splash the water, drink the joe, turn on the TV for today’s indoctrination. You fight for a seat on the train or the bus or you try to make the light before the proverbial idiot beats you to it. You do the job, smile when they wave, laugh when they joke, eat when you’re told to, are thankful for the break, are thankful for the good review, are thankfully giving your creativity to another’s cause. Time to go home. You fight for a seat on the train or the bus or you try to make the light before the proverbial idiot beats you to it. You go to the gym. You change into the latest and greatest. Slip the headphones on. Listen to your favorite. You wait in line for your preferred machine. Finally it’s yours. Now you can relax on the machine that someone invented to make your workout pleasant and to make your workout enjoyable and to make your workout a whole lot easier while you watch TV for yet another hour of indoctrination. And tomorrow, And tomorrow, And tomorrow, And tomorrow, And ...........................

I say Rage. Rage against the necessities. Rage against the easy. Give yourself permission to use some of that creativity for yourself. Rage against the patronizing bastards who feel entitled to make something easier for the “poor little yous” with their condescending charm. Rage against pre-determined range of motion. Rage against technology in a physical space. Acquaint yourself with gravity, learn to love it, then learn to fight it. Get out of the mirror. Work by feel. Develop your body knowledge and utilize it. Use your instincts and rage against anything that tries to get in the way of them. Understand your true capacity and your true capability. Question fear based protocol. Eliminate “can’t” from your vocabulary. Work to your limit for yourself. Work so your self imposed limits broaden. If you are injured, seek ways to heal. Rage against this week’s flavor. Cut the excess. Grab a barbell. Pair it down. Pick up a kettlebell. Do more with less. Hit the floor. Search for the nucleus of movement. Explore. Cherish the minimal. Rage against the

Friday, November 21, 2008

Midnight Madness #2 (<-click for pics)

As the players assembled they quickly focused on the business at hand. Yesterday’s madness proved that the “average gym goer” just may be seeking something more. We crossed lines. Fitness levels from beginner to advanced embarked on the same road to self discovery. Some finished, some didn’t. All tried. While watching the faces of anguish pulling or pushing rep after rep under tremendous stress, one could only stand in awe of the self sacrifice the participants freely gifted to the goal. Thanks to each one of you for putting your head down and doing with reckless abandon. At the risk of denying the winners their glory, it is out of respect that the person of note was one that didn’t finish first, but scratched and clawed her way to the goal. Olga, your resolve was humbling. Too the point, everyone delivered and is worthy of celebration. Much was covered, but more was learned. Until the next time, reflect on what was accomplished. Know that most would look at that evolution and choose one of the three segments you all battled through. Hats off  to you.

power snatch
MR in 10, 1 rep is 1 point
0-55, 1 point
75, 2 points
95, 3 points
115, 4 points
135, 5 points
10 hspu + 20 pullups +30 sumo deadlift high pull + 40 situps + 50 burpees



They are only weights just as the paint doesn't make the artist. The music changes to something more ominous. A glob of adrenaline dumps into the veins. Why this shaking? Try to laugh. Act as if this is every day. Inside, truth gives a slap in the mouth. This isn't every day. This isn't just another hour. This is Midnight Madness. The cold outside tells you to stay home. Why listen?The chill of a fifty pounder makes your calloused hand sting. Those that came before aren't smiling. Those that came before prepare quietly to themselves, anticipating the glorious menu that chef pain has cooked up for them. They aren't disappointed. They dig in to a feast of devastating enlightenment. Welcome to the madness. Welcome to the revolution.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Gearing up

Gearing up for tonight’s madness. 100% attrition. More than double decided to join the revolution, or at least test the waters. We’ll see how long their enthusiasm lasts. Pray for them.

The Inaugural Gathering

The inaugural gathering of midnight madness achieved its goal with stellar execution. The turn out was inspiring. Over a dozen strangers converged in a physical space to do physical work haunted by trepidation with a spirit of self doubt whispering in their ears. A desire to overcome whatever obstacle set before them quickly subdued any crippling emotion they may have felt. The need to complete the task at hand made heroes out of few and made others come face to face with the champion within. Every attendee completed the evolution. The best performer was rewarded with another round of the punishment he waded through only moments before. The others sought redemption by performing even more acts of self destructive valor. The Mad Man of the week was JT. His strength moves were spot on and grinding. His timed efforts were done with purpose. He truly earned his reward. The other players are no less praiseworthy. Each showed up and delivered to the limit of their ability and beyond. At the end of the evolution, passing comments of disbelief in what was accomplished could be heard echoing off of the scattered plates and kettlebells that lie motionless in a wake of sweat. Instantly addicted, they requested more.