Friday, December 5, 2008

midnight madness #3


"Three sets of ten reps is sufficient". When those words pass the lips of a dilettante or are seen gracing the pages of a dis-informative magazine, I turn inward: and, in an instant, relive the hours of vein opening torture I have inflicted upon myself and countless individuals who have retained my assistance. While reflecting, the corners of my mouth turn toward the sky and my gaze shortly follows. At that moment, a part of me anticipates a mass of fury that will surely rain down from the heavens at the insolence of such blasphemy. Equally loathsome is this question: "Do you think I'm over training?" Well, NO IT'S NOT and NO YOU'RE NOT though the heavens still haven't opened.

Last night's madness morphed into something that wasn't expected. A group of individuals showed up, and a group left. A camaraderie was formed. Like hostages who fall prey to stockholm syndrome, all pitched in to please their captors with encouraging jeers darting from their lips, beckoning their fellows to join the fold by laying down upon the tracks of the agony express. Last stop: nauseating honor. The energy in the room throbbed with a silent excitement that was at times deafening. One could carve their name in the wall of focus that was built to block out the mundane. Improvised objects that at one time seemed a comfort, now were causing hands to stiffen and bellies to ache. A new level of intensity was glimpsed as the players were no longer dwelling on self, but dismissing petty feelings of "me" to make room for thoughts of the well being of their team mates. The winners of the "relay" were Ed, Eric, and JT. Their reward is to mastermind the redemption of their fallen brothers and sisters who, in spite of their efforts, finished only moments too late.

A small crowd gathered, and the horrified looks on the faces of those not involved reminded me of this quote by Akira Kurosawa, " In an insane world, only the sane are insane." Those that looked on and did not open their flesh to taste the sweet milk that glory brings became the outsiders. The Mad truly claimed their piece of dirt.


Tom said...

Total points - 91
"Rowing" time - 25 min
Total Time - 55 min

I work harder at the gym Fri.- Wed. so that I can get through the workout on Thur. night.

Jt Netterville said...

Part 1: 200 points flat.
Part 3: 24 min.

Don't know why Master Chief saw fit to let the inmates run the asylum, but next week's redemption won't be for the faint of heart.

Cheers folks. Great work.

Eric said...

Part 1: 115 points
Part 2: 24 min

Yea next weeks redemption is.... fill in the blank. Feeling sore which equals good.