Thursday, December 18, 2008

JT presents a challenge

For all you madness revolutionaries who are interested, here is a breakdown of the challenge set forth by madman JT. Three things if you want in:

1)You must complete all events in one week at the end of March.
2)You must have at least one witness present for each event.
3)You must hand in a written copy of the training program that got you to the event.

That being said, Here it is:


Event: Going for:
OH Anyhow total__________________________1RM
DL (from floor)__________________________1RM
Cl (from floor)__________________________1RM
OH Sq (BN Rk J, below II)________________1RM
Wt Chin__________________________________1RM
KB SS Sn Test 24kg_______________________highest reps 10min
M-U (Bar or Rings)_______________________highest reps
HSPU to Floor____________________________highest reps
Chin-ups(Any Grip/Full Hang)_____________highest reps
Clap Pushup (Full Depth)_________________highest reps
Standing Broad Jump______________________longest distance (in)
Hang for Time (prone grip)_______________longest time (sec)
1mi Run Treadmill (1%)___________________quickest time(sec)
40-Yard Dash_____________________________quickest time
100 45#SDHP______________________________quickest time (sec)

OH = Get the weight overhead. Press it. Push press it. Jerk it. Whatever. Your highest 1rm is what counts.
OH Sq= OH Squat behind the neck from the rack, jerk it up. thighs must break parallel with the ground.
KB SS Sn = KB Secret Service Snatch Test at 24 KG. As many snatches on whatever arm you can do in 10 minutes.
M-U= Muscleups

If you want in post a comment. Also, JT, could you post a comment describing how the bodyweight/work ratio will determine the overall score? That would be great.



Jt Netterville said...

We want this to be fair for everyone and inclusive for anyone that wants...dares to play. So all outcomes, (distances, times, loads) will be divided by your body weight and then that score is weighed against the other events. There are endurance, strength, power & high rep anaerobic events, so it's going to hit both strong and weak points for everyone. Women, men, big, small, Justin, doesn't matter who you are. This is a test of how much your cardio fitness and strength match both each other and your own mass.

Steve said...

Sounds cool JT. Count Steve in.

justin said...

yeah, yeah, yeah. freakin comedian i see. you know i'm in. i might be on one leg by that point, but i'll push through!!

Jt Netterville said...


Eric said...

Do this test come with a free puke bucket when your done.