Friday, April 1, 2011

100th Madness

To think, "I will not think"--
This, too, is something in one's thoughts.
Simply do not think
About not thinking at all.

1 comment:

Sanjay said...

Got through 50 push-ups on the first round. 20 lbs on the weighted movements. Knee push-ups instead of the real thing.

Kinda mixed feelings about this one. Obviously, I wasn't happy with myself immediately after. I mean, I understand that this (like so much else in life) is at LEAST 85% preparation, and I was mad for not having done the prep as much as anything else.

Still, once I got some sleep and was able to just accept the poor preparation as a given, I realized I did pretty well for myself. Apart from some sputtering on the thrusters, I was able to keep pushing. Even when the anger and frustration started to well up, I did a decent job of, if nothing else, continuing to move and, even if I wasn't quite drama free, at least confining it to shorter scenes than I have in the past.

So, I guess it boils down to a good night, given that it was a bad week. Does that count as breaking even? :p