Friday, May 21, 2010

69th madness

The Evolution:

"we need a savior"
do db thrusters continuously until each person takes a turn at doing 15 burpees.

5 jump squat
5 kb swing
5 sit ups
5 kb hi pull
(7 rounds)

deadlift clinic

"Do not wish for quick results, nor look for small advantages. If you seek quick results, you will not reach the ultimate goal. If you are led astray by small advantages, you will never accomplish great things." -Confucius


Mike L said...

"we need a savior"
do db thrusters continuously until each person takes a turn at doing 15 burpees.

- Focused on peripheral vision as per Steve's suggestion and tried to focus on nothing in particular except the movements and breathing. when body became tired, embraced the pain. it worked. in doing this, i consciously chose not to count the thrusters as i felt it would be distracting to ultimate goal. didn't know that counting would be mandatory, so was then assigned manmakers as penalty. since i was there to get in touch with my "ghosts" anyway, didn't mind the extra work. sped through burpee portion of "we need a savior", as fast as possible; was satisfied with results.

5 jump squat
5 kb swing
5 sit ups
5 kb hi pull
(7 rounds)

- 7 minutes and change, swinging and pulling 50#.

deadlift clinic

-beat my previous 1rm by 30 lbs. Lifted 305. a friend suggested the exercise of using breath and intention to draw "energy" from the ground into the body. this may sound esoteric to some, but it is familiar to me and i had never used it for weightlifting. it worked. felt like superman afterwards. really felt like i experienced a breakthrough this time. it is definitely progressive and not "all at once", but it is happening. thanks to justin for all the great training and, in an odd way, even to steve for the manmaker "penalty".

PS - what happened to madness #69? I know that sometimes the number 13is skipped for being unlucky, but 69 is arguably one of the luckier numbers, or at least very close to being lucky :)

Fathead said...

We need a saviour was pretty gruesome. I would've loved to have been split up into 2 teams because we had so many participants. It would've made it go faster as well as add in that element of competition that we all crave from time to time. Made me fly through my burpees to know that people were waiting on me. finished with 110 thrusters at 25lbs.


6:35 with a 62lb kb - KB swing was the beast of it all here. Everything else a piece of cake.

Didn't partake in the deadlift clinic because I was beat and because me and deadlifts aren't exactly good friends. We kinda don't like each other for many reasons...

am super excited for this week!

PS - Jess is a cyborg