Tuesday, May 26, 2009

23rd madness

Cleaning house and ringing out the mop. A quiet evening and a handful of converts made me feel as though I was a child receiving a new bicycle. With enthusiasm, we cleaned up some dirty snatches. Then eyes turned inward and we fucked some shit up. Ahhh awakening. Time revealed its insignificance and the mad players became detached from the muck and lived for a full hour. True presence. True emptiness. True expression.


Drop Snatch clinic or 1rm (depending on skill level)


"Finnegan's Wake" (or thank you Pat O'Shea)
10 KB snatch (each arm)
5 Single arm OH KB box jump (Each arm)
15 KB clean&press
400 meter run
5 manmakers
(Max rounds in a half hour)

(tell of your trial)


Tom said...

I know I said that I would be back for this weeks evolution, but do to circumstances beyond my control, I am going to have to be a dirty liar and be gone for one more week. Sorry steve and justin but I will be back asap.

Jt Netterville said...


Tom said...


Steve said...

Can't wait to see you tonight Tom. You were joking right?

Tom said...

Unfortunately I was not joking. I have some pretty awful family things to deal with right now and have to put madness of the midnight persuasion on the back burner. Will be back asap.

Fathead said...

Just came back from madness and feel amazing! and am so happy about the group that showed up today. You were all beasts!

I think Im pretty comfortable with the kipnpullups and can't wait to start incorporating them in my work outs... before or after boxing.

Great clinic and I am very happy that we are starting to do them before every madness. Very smart indeed.

My time on deliverance was 4min + and on heaven and hell 25min +

I felt like I was gonna die after my last renegade... brutal indeed.

Can't wait for the next one!

Many thanks guys and Steve, special thanks for the Yucca recommendation. Love it!

have a great weekend everyone!

Steve said...

Tom, I was actually the one joking. Hope everything is OK. We'll be here.