Friday, September 11, 2009

38th madness



10-1 decending ladder
OH squat @ 95#
KB sot press AHAYC


tabata KB swings
1 min rest
tabata KB goblet squat
1 min rest
tabata KB SDHP
1 min rest
tabata KB snatch
1 min rest
tabata KB thrusters


Sanjay said...

First Part:

15:56 with 85 lbs bar and two 26 lbs kettlebells. Really feel like I should've gone for weight goal, though. 85 was definitely a workout, but I think it was just a hair too easy for a Madness evolution. Those sot presses look deceptively easy. I keep rolling forward onto the balls of my feet, which took some of the pressure off of the sides of my thighs (in an unhealthy way, I'm sure), but meant I really felt it in the soles of my feet instead. Still, I managed to make it through. I tried (with mixed results) not to stop. I'm really glad it was a descending ladder, because by the time I got to the four set, I was so stoked I just charged through each set. I feel really proud of my work here.

Tabatas... Oh, the humanity! I used to LIKE using kettlebells, you know!

8, 5, 5, 6, 5. Or 29 if you add 'em all up. Again with the weight on the balls of the feet. This time I think it cost me. My back has been finicky all week, and I'm sure I'm going to regret my bad form tomorrow. The first set was hard. The second and third I felt absolutely brutalized, largely because I was feeling it all in my back. The snatches were actually a relief because I did them properly. Thrusters.... Oh man, those were hard to push through.

All in all, when you hit a low number (five in my case) I found it really hard to motivate doing more than simply matching it in subsequent sets. Sometimes I did, sometimes I didn't.

So yeah, this was brutal. I'm so glad I came tonight, but not so glad I attended a wine and cheese reception an hour beforehand (I didn't partake of the wine, I'm not that stupid). You can't outwork a shitty diet, but that doesn't stop me from trying on occasion.

Dave said...

Part 1: 14:28
I started with 175 lb. and dropped to 165 lb. at 5. I had trouble pressing the weight overhead. 20 lb. kettle-bell.

Part 2: 41
9, 11, 9, 7, 5
Aside from the Thruster set I averaged 11 reps per part. The swings, goblet squat, sdhp and snatch were all done with 26 lb. kettle-bell. The Thrusters were done with 20 dumb bells.

I follow along for the next 6 weeks on my own and be back at the every end of Oct. I'll be concentrating on pull-ups during this off time. I'd like to be able to do unmodified for my next tour with the group.

Keep evolving.

Fathead said...

Part 1:

What a joy.

OH squat @ 95#
KB sot press @ 40lbs

Note: DO NOT USE DB for these. Use KB, hence why its called KB sot press. DB make it way for difficult even with the same weight. Harder to balance and way more strain on your shoulders.

Time: 22+ min.

Tabata sequence went as follows:

8 + 5 + 8 + 7 + 3 = 31

I actually love tabata, hard as hell but an amazing way to figure out where your weak parts are. My legs have gotten A LOT stronger since madness started but I still have a ways to go to catch up to my upper body as you can see by the numbers above.

Overall, I felt good and strong... ate well prior so had enough energy to compete and complete.

Awesome evolution everyone and thanks always to our task masters!

Have a great weekend!

See you next week!

Jessicaca said...

1ere: 19:20 @ 95# BB, 30# KB
Ugh. Lower back death! Sots Presses can kiss my ass! ...coupled with OHS? Steve you're sick!

2eme: 8 KB Swing @ 40#
8 KB Goblet Squat @40#
10 KB SDHP@ 40#
10 KB Snatch @ 30#
5 KB Thruster @ 30#

Blegh! (That was me barfing). I had to be realistic and assume I wasn't going to be able to maintain an all-out pace and that we were only as good as our lowest rep. I took my time and focused on my breathing, excluding thrusters of course, in which I held my breath and tried to rep the shit out of those five squat and presses--I loathe them.

Today, my knees hurt from the compromised form on both OHS and sots press towards the end of the first evolution, thus confirming the knees-behind-toes theory!

Jt Netterville said...

10-1 ladder
115# OH Squat
24kg kb

Although a smart course of action n general, I'd actually argue that point about the knees/toes Jess.

24kg kb on all except thrusters. 35# dbs

Fathead said...

I'm sore

my legs and mid/lower back are sore (but in the good way not the bad way that puts me on the DL from time to time)

forgot to mention my load for tabata:

40lbs for everything save thrusters which were done with 25lbs

I will be more sore tomorrow

I love it

nadjupat was the password I used to verify this entry... I like nadjupat

Anonymous said...

Hey guys. I liked this MM. It was tough and I was angry. Seriously. These excercises do not make me the nicest person in the world. I get pissy. The next day I am high on the fact that I managed/ survived.

Part 1 - time 15.17

OH Squat
* bar + 10 pounds ... makes it 55 pounds right?
[ so I was way below target ]

KB Sot Press
* 20 pounds kettle bells

my back hurt. a lot.

Part 2 - 46

I used the blue KB for first 4 and 15 DB for the thrusters.

10 : KB swings
10 : KB goblet squat
11 : KB SDHP
09 : KB snatch
06 : KB Thruster

Overall, I am happy with my performance.

Thanks Steve and Justin for encouraging me to push a bit harder.