Friday, September 4, 2009

37th madness



10 mins of hanging power cleans for max reps @ 95# for brothers 75# for sisters


"I'm Back" (aptly named 'cus Justin is back from an LOA and he programed this evil fucker... I say proudly)
20 burpees
20 pull ups
20 thrusters @65 for dudes and @ bar for ladies
20 box jumps
400 meter run
(4 rounds for time)

This was a deceptively difficult evolution. Bobby pulled the most cleans. JT finished first on the circuit. A great group.

According to the concept of transformational evolution, first clearly articulated by Lamarck, evolution consists of the gradual transformation of organisms from one condition of existence to another.
-Ernst Mayr


Fathead said...

A haiku for you called:


I did 94
Bobby, 169
Bobby is crazy!

Justin's welcome back was YUCK!

45:53 was my time

Didn't feel as strong as I have been the last couple of weeks. Perhaps lack of proper nutrition throughout the day but it was very tough to get through. Had to modify my pullups (jumping pullups) for the most part and used medium box jump for the most part. Burpees were hell.

Thanks Justin!

glad to have you back!

Dave said...

This Madness was pretty brutal. My neck has been real stiff all week and I was a little worried about this one. I'll have to keep an eye on it in the coming days, but right now it's in good shape.

Part 1:
91 reps @ 175 lbs.

Part 2:
40:49 (with Lat pulldowns inn place of pull ups)

Unknown said...

my results:

part 1: 94 reps, 55lbs.
part 2:
subbed pullup with the lat machine at 65lbs.
finished 3 rounds.
on the last round, i got to 12 thrusters.

this was almost my first midnight 'barf' madness. it was crazy intense. my ears were ringing --- which made me yawn excessively to take the pressure out, and i was trying to keep the bile down. I felt nauseated for sure. all in all, i was disappointed for not finishing within the time limit. that's what i get for eating potato chips too often.

Jt Netterville said...

126 hang power cleans at 95#

Justin's Back
35:53 at suggested loads.

Sanjay said...

Hanging Power Cleans: 123 @ 75 lbs. I was proud of myself here, because somebody said we should be able to do at least 120, and I made it, damn it! Score!

Justin's Back... and suddenly I wish his singing took up more of his time.... DNC for me, but got halfway through the final set of thrusters.

Used the male weight goal for the thrusters, a Midnight Madness first for me. Jumping pullups because I'm still either too heavy or too weak for the real thing (you decide which). Small box for the jumps, which has more to do with fear than actual limitations on my abilities. Finally got the hang of jumping with both feet, though, which actually helped my speed.

This one was just brutal on me. I've fallen out of practice with burpees, so those took considerably more effort than they should have. I also lost a lot of time on the thrusters, as the weight was really pushing my limits (I could really only manage them in bursts of five after the first round).

Honestly, I was being way too much of a drama queen last night. In the beginning I wanted to puke, after getting through the first one, I wanted to break down and cry. I've felt lately like I'm getting weaker, not stronger, and the struggling I did with this evolution didn't really help. Once we stopped, however, I felt a lot better, emotionally. I managed to get to the gym this morning, and felt outright pumped. Sometimes failure is what you really need, I guess.

Jessicaca said...

1ere: 128 reps @ 85#

2eme: "in this case, i wish he weren't"

Hm...always seems to go that once i think maybe, just maybe, i'm getting into shape, an evolution like this comes around and blows that fucking thought out of the water. guess i just have to work harder. and, um...butterfly kips, though fast as hell, add 300% more ballistic stress to the arms and delts in particular. i'm adding running to every workout i do, whether i tack it on before and/or after or disperse it throughout...just call me fucking Forrest Gump from now on!

justin said...

that was rough ya'll. i know i ruined my return for some of you, but i thought all in all everyone handled "i'm back" pretty damn well. i did it. i know how tough it is. i know your body is telling you to stop, but i give kudos to everyone for telling their bodies to shut the fuck up and ultimately persevering. it's impressive stuff guys!

sarah, keep your head up. your progress has been fantastic. your form on most things is now spot on, and you're using heavier loads. don't get down on yourself!!

edgar, love the haiku.

jp, run forrest run!!

Steve said...

Where are you Tom? Are you cool? Check in please.

Staci Rene said...

Cleans 110 @ 35lb

Justin's Back: 48:48
I had to modify the pull ups and did lat pull downs instead. I also modified the thrusters and did push press due to my leg feeling like it was going to fall off!

First time I came close to vomiting and crying hysterically at one time.

Tom said...

Yeah, I am here. my back has acting up pretty bad latley. Just resting it and getting better. I will return ASAP. What is unfortunate is that my two main problems (knee and back) don't every get time enough to heal because my job (or one of my jobs as the case may be) keeps me on feet for 8-12 hrs at a stretch, so the injury that a desk jockey could heal from in just a few days seems to take me longer. Fear not. My return shall come to pass. Thanks for the concern.
PS. Even if I don't show up,I still regularly stalk everyones progress on the blog or when their facebook status claims they can't move.