Friday, September 25, 2009

40th madness

The Evolution:

"where you at"
(max pull ups in one set)

"partner ladder" or "parter latter"
hanging snatch
(as high as you can, both go until one of you drops out)

"grind and go"

2 tgu
20 kb high pull
(10 rounds)


Sanjay said...

Where am I at with pull-ups? Nowhere! Zip! Nada! Goose egg!

Seriously, as much as I whine and moan about pushups, at least I can do those. I did kinda psych myself out of it, though. Standing there watching everyone do them so damn well, it was like grade school fitness class all over again. Minus the whiny brats, at least. It should happen soon, though, I guess, I'm getting stronger and loosing weight, so that should work out.

Follow the follower: finished 14 at 75 lbs and promptly fell to the floor. Man that one just turns your arms to jelly! I know some people felt like you didn't get much a break, but I felt the pacing was just fine. Set a goal to get at least through the tenth set and blew that one away.

Grind and go. This one would've been a lot more fun coming into it fresh. As it was, especially getting started was awful. I have no idea why Turkish Get Ups are so much harder with the left hand than the right, but they are. Went kinda light for this one (30 lbs TGU, 20 lbs per hand on the high pulls) because my arms were still feeling badly abused from the ladder. Still pushed my way through all ten rounds in 22:04. Did a good job at keeping focused and the melodrama to a minimum. Also TGU's get easier the more you do them. Or maybe you just get so tired you stumble through them.

It's great to back, even if my arms are almost too sore to type.

Jessicaca said...

"Where you at?" fool: 39

"Follow the follower":

"Grind and Go": tgu @40#, Hi-pulls @ 2x26# kbs

Jessicaca said...

Oop...meant to write a time for the 3eme evolution- 17:34.

Fathead said...

Wow... sorry missed this one guys and gals but I did SOME of it today... with Jessica supervision.

Where you at: 13 pull ups

Im actually pretty happy with this considering I couldnt do 5 in a row a little while back. I've come a long way I think.

Follow the Fathead: 85lbs up to 9

I took minimal rest in between sets and by 8 I felt scared that I was gonna drop the weight on my head... forearms were GONE!

Grind and go: 53lbs tgu 26lbs kbs

OK, so I will preface by saying that I wasn't entirely fresh going into this. I did some boxing work before I started the madness routine and my forearms were shot from the snatches so I only completed 5 rounds. I really thought my arms were going to fall off. TGUs were actually great but the high pulls were deadly! biceps were obliterated...

Wish I was there with you all. Missed you.

See you next week!

Steve said...

Those are some good numbers buddy.

Probably would have finished the grind and go if you could hear the cries of your fellows.

13 is definately something to be proud of.

Unknown said...


where you at-22.....and then im counting the fall on my ass as one, so 23

follow the follower- 15, should have gone further. next time

grind and go- tgu @ 70lb kb , high pulls @ 40lb dumbells. 29:02

i know! this is my first post!
I am slowly joining the cyber world.

I read somewhere that aesthetic gains are a result of training, but not the goal. That is what our evolutions make me think about every week. We train, we don't work out. I'm proud of that.
