Saturday, December 12, 2009

48th madness


"partner effort"
10 c&p @ 95#
10 spike swings (hold while waiting)
(max rounds in 15 mins)


135 back squat @ 135#
135 lunges
(for time)

1 comment:

Sanjay said...

W000T F!RST P0ST!!!111!!1

Partner effort: 3.5 Holding the KB didn't feel so bad to me while doing it, but I definitely felt the effects of it in my arms when I came back for the clean and presses. They were damn hard, and, starting with set #2, I could only really manage them in bursts of three. Really wish I could've pushed a bit harder on those to finish that fourth set. Alas.

135^3: 33:06, exhausting, but amazing at the same time. My legs and ass hurt clean through to Monday. Was just a matter of soldiering through and not letting myself take breaks that were too big. Probably sabotaged myself with an initial burst of 20 reps, but still managed to keep fairly consistent on five at a time (though around 90 or so, that started to falter, but I was able to regain my resolve with enough yelling from Steve). I was pretty delirious by the time I got to lunges. Wish I'd been as hardcore as Eric and done them without stopping. Had it in me, I'm sure, but was too wussy to do it. Oh well.

Oh, and everything was at load goals. Yay, me.