Friday, January 29, 2010

53rd madness

the evolution

1) KB hi pull, snatch, reverse lunge
descending ladder from 10 to 1 of each movement on each side
50# load goal

2) 6 squats at 225, 185 or 135 +
6 dead hang pull ups +
1 minute rest
(10 rounds)

post your shit

1 comment:

Sanjay said...

That ladder was brutal. 30 lbs kb, clocking in at 19:41. 10 was a good workout, 9, was tough to get through, 8, 7, and 6 felt nigh impossible. 5 onward was like a downhill run, it just started to get so much easier.

135 lbs for the squats, started with a 30 lbs assist for the pull ups, but did 70 after the first set and a half. In both cases, I feel like I could've gone heavier (70 was too much assist, I think 50 or 60 would've been optimal in retrospect). I think because I felt so worn out from the first evolution, that I wasn't accounting for the one minute rest. I should've really done at least 185. Oh well. Final time 18:18.